Обновлено: Редактор Hola Pristan district
Hola Prystan’ district is located in the outer southern-western part of Kherson region. It is washed by the Black Sea in the south, by Dnipro-Bug Liman and the Dnipro in the west and north, endless steppes extend to the east. The region is the largest in Ukraine. Such European country as Luxemburg can be placed freely in its territory, which constitutes 3.6 thousand square kilometers. Almost 65 thousand of population, which increases every year, lives here. The district has an advantageous connection by water and automobile routes with the regional center, district centers of the region and the regions of Ukraine. The distance between Hola Prystan’ and the railway station of Kherson by water constitutes 18 km, the distance to the goods yard Poyma by motorway is 28 km. Nature endowed it bounteously. The district is on level with the Crimea as to quantity of sunny days. Air is saturated with odorous smells of the steppe, salt sea and pine forest, planted by man.
The largest in Ukraine Chornomors’kyi Biosphere Reserve, which since 1984 was included in the world system of biosphere reserves by UNESCO, and where you can acquaint with primeval nature of Kherson region, is located in the district's territory. Projects of the Research Institute for Growing Vegetables, Melons and Watermelons in Southern Regions are popular in other regions of Ukraine and abroad. The best in Ukraine watermelons, melons, tomatoes and grapes ripen right here, in the territory of a fertile agricultural Hola Prystan’ district. Foreign customers are interested in products made from the local resources. In particular, Greeks are attracted by heavy-feeding fertilizers, developed by the multi-industry enterprise «Hileya» («Hylea») from the largest in Ukraine peat land. Belgians and Danes - by reed, as a high efficiency insulating material, which is provided by the manufacturing and commercial company «Slavutych».
Luxurious Dnipro reedy areas, calm river flood plains create favorable conditions for having rest. Tens of thousands people rest and gather strength here annually. A ramified network of health-improving and rest establishments - 35 holiday hotels and 59 rest camps, located on the Black Sea coast, favor this. The sanatorium «Hopry», which is celebrated for its sulphide-silt mud and chloridesodium leach, is located in the picturesque park of the town of Hola Prystan’ on the bank of curative Lake Solyane.
The Hola Prystan’ district station of green tourism «Hopry» promulgates a village green tourism. The farm «Tchayka» («Seagull») on the bank of the Dnipro tributary seems to be the first robin in this sphere, it welcomes its visitors cheerfully. Every person, who was in the district as least once, would never forget its citizens' hearty welcome, their kindly attitude and cheerful mood. Traditional autumn exhibitions-fairs, held in Hola Prystan’, watermelon festivals «Solodke dyvo» («Sweet wonder»), a folklore festivals «Tavriys’ke Namysto» («Tavria Chaplet») and «Kupals’ki Zori», which have already acquired all-Ukraine value, are especially remarkable. All this creates advantageous conditions not onfy for organization of good rest and health improving but also for establishment of business cooperation.
Source: Kherson Region. Image and representative edition. ??????. ??? “??????????? “?????????????? ??????”. 2004. 224 ????.
Последнее обновление страницы: 12.12.2011 07:15 |