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Міжнародній благодійний фонд "Відродження"
Обновлено: Редактор

Verkhniy Rohachyk district

This district is located in the outer northern-eastern part of Kherson region. It borders on Kamyans’ko-Dniprovs’kyi district of Zaporizhya region in the north and east, on Nyzhni Sirohozy and Velyka Lepetykha districts in the south and south-west, on Novovorontsovka district of Kherson region in the west along the Dnipro riverbed.

The district belongs to the territories, through which different tribes rolled, leaving memorable traces. Numerous monuments are demonstrative of those events. The Cossacks and Tchoomaks' (Tchoomak - a Ukrainian ox-cart driver) overland routes and waterways by the Dnipro intersected here. The Cossacks1 patrols brought both good and bad news.
Modern district's descendants hold to the traditions of the previous generations. They renovate the vernacular arts, which are in great demand with population, as well as traditions and crafts. One can have opportunities for educative activity and good rest here. The rest camp near the Rohachyk Bay of the Kakhovka Water Storage is a real oasis for those pass times.

Agricultural production is a basic sector of the district's economy. The district is celebrated for yields of winter wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and vegetable crops. Advancement of grain farming, introduction of high-yielding and high-quality varieties and technologies will be priority development directions. A lot of attention will be paid to development of cattle-breeding sector.
The output, produced in the district, finds a market not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Fish products of the Limited Liability Company «Uman’» are considered to be dainties in the USA, Israel and other countries. Achievements of the citizens of Verkhniy Rohachyk in educational sector became interesting for the state of Kansas, the USA.

Source: Kherson Region. Image and representative edition. ??????. ??? “??????????? “?????????????? ??????”. 2004. 224 ????.

Последнее обновление страницы: 12.12.2011 06:45